I don’t know what to do!?!?!?!?!!


We’ve been dating for 1 year and 5 months, we had this type of conversation before but he always said he wants to marry me, he’s my first boyfriend and I still love him, he’s Muslim and technically I’m Jewish but I don’t believe in God, idk what to do. I just stopped responding to him cuz what’s the point of talking and still dating if it’s not going anywhere. He thinks what he said is fine but it really hurt me. I’m just thinking what was the point of even starting to date? It’s like he just strung me along. Plus I left my family for him cuz they want me to marry a Jewish guy but when they found out I was dating a Muslim guy they said either I break up with him or I leave, so I left and never talked to them again. I just can’t believe he would say this, like I sacrificed my family and he can’t just accept me how I am. What do you guys think about this?