Baby after infidelity


So after being married for 12 yrs - my husband cheated with a whore for 2-3 months. He even left me for that time frame. I found out really quick about what was going on. Anyways he wanted to come back and we are trying to make it work, but now he has set in his mind that we should have another baby. We have a 10 yr old boy. This has been very recent (sept 2019) and I honestly don’t think it’s the right time. I believe he is doing this so that I have no other option but stay in the relationship. And to sort of secure me to him. He says he loves me and that he won’t ever do it again. But I’m skeptical about him. Like this is the first time that I have found out he cheated. Honestly he was the perfect husband /dad I could’ve hoped for but now I’m always second guessing his motives and what he says. I don’t know if we should even have another baby. Like I do want a baby but I’m not sure that its going to work between us. They say don’t Forget all the good things he did with one wrong but his wrong almost topples the good.