Leaving my bf of 5 years

EDIT**** I posted this elsewhere but no one saw it, so I think it belongs here.

Well. I signed a lease and am moving my belongings out March 15th. It isn’t just the porn. But the porn helped me realize that he has had an addiction to something every year we’ve been together. First year it was his ex, obsessively checking her social media. Then alcohol for two years, coupled with joblessness and laziness. Now porn, lies, and not having the emotional intelligence to recognize how much it’s hurting us, how much it’s hurting me. I’ll be with my sister for 6 weeks, saving money for rent and waiting for my new apartment to become available. Ladies, I’m so heartbroken and lonely. I don’t think I’ve ever been so sad before in my life. So much time, it feels like I’m just throwing it away. Like I’m the one who is doing something wrong by saying enough neglect is enough. I haven’t cried yet over this. I’ve even tried to, but I’m so sad that I’m unable to produce anything physical. We haven’t spoken since Friday night and it’s now Monday night. Feels like weeks. I’m so lonely and have no clue what to do. I feel like I’m going to break and go running back to him. But I can’t do that or it’ll kill me.

I don’t mind that he looks at porn. I also do.

The issue is that he watches it so much that we no longer have sex. For six months he’s been telling me it’s because he is stressed and tired from work. Okay fine. Then I found over 300 saved videos on his phone. We talked about it and he admitted he watches to much.

What did you do to get through this together? Is it worth the energy to help him over come this vice. I’ve been with him through alcoholism, joblessness, now our sex life is in the can. I don’t know how much more effort I can really put into this guy. Of course I love him, he’s my best friend. But at what point do I say enough is enough? Please help me.