Insecurity rant...

I’ve recently had relations with 2 guys. Not simultaneously. 4 months apart to be exact. Anyways, I’m neither of these guys’ type & it’s pretty obvious. I’m small all over. I’m an A cup. I weigh 103 lbs. I have little to no booty... I’m just all around small.

These guys are the type of guys who love thick women. All their likes on twitter / insta are of women who have full breasts, big butts, toned, etc etc. The women they’ve messed with before me are all thick as well.

It’s kind of making me insecure. Like, it’s making me question why these guys even want anything to do with me. It’s weighing heavy on my mind tonight only because one of the guys doesn’t really know how to touch me, much less looks comfortable touching me.

Ugh. I hate feeling this way.... insecurity is a bitch. 😞