Moving to Quick?

So I recently ran into a bit if a money issue wail trying to gather funds to be able to get me and my son back on our own feet with no outside help. My boyfriend of 4 month's who rents out a room in his grandparents home wants me to move in with him and is willing to pay his grandparents extra for me abd my son and animals to all move him as well as store my belongings at his home. It's a kind offer and I know him and his family are serious only issue is like I said it's been only 4 months and his room is small and my son is 7 months old and I have 5 animals so we need alot of space. My other option is to apply for income based housing and rehome my my animals but atleast then I'd be able to afford living cost on my own however the rules of the place I'd be moving into would make it so my boyfriend could only spend a couple nights a month. Kind feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. One hand I have fincial independence and space for my son and my belongings but no time with my boyfriend who wouldn't be able to move in without wildly spiking rent and no time for him and my son who have grown an amazing bond and on the other I have no space, living in somone elses home and fincial co-dependence but we'd be able to all be together every day or atleast every night. I really want to be independent and not end in a situation where I'm living with someone who potentially could kick me and my son out even though I feel like his grandparents wouldnt let him do that no matter what. My boyfriend carries alot of trust issues from past relationships, hell the other day he freaked out thinking I had a hickey from my black hair dye marks and made a huge scene. He later said he was only jokeing but I know he was serious in the moment he almost started crying literally. So I just don't know what to do. I have no family I could live with and the house I'm renting with my Mother is to expensive to live in much longer. Ugh. S.O.S. I'm also afraid moving in to quickly will destroy our relationship I like my space and with his family constantly over and his grandparents who are retired living there I'd have almost none.

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