Boy issues?

Hi everyone! So I’ve been sleeping with this guy for the past weeks, and I really enjoy it! He’s really nice, the sex is good! But as a girl with a lot of emotions and feelings, I get feelings so fast and a lot! I wouldn’t sleep with anyone else, or even think about anyone else! But with him I’m really unsure? I’m not too sure where this is going, but he said a while back he’s good just chilling. Like what does just chilling me? Just chilling with me? Or like just chilling and sleeping with other people? How do I bring this up to him, without scaring him away? I really don’t want to ask “what are we” but do? Is there a better way of putting this? Sorry to sound dumb, but I don’t want to rush him in to anything, but I don’t want to be messed around either because I genuinely have feelings for him.