How can my husband help me with our one month old ?!

Hi ladies, pls help.

I have a month old baby. She is very attached to me. I am breastfeeding, when she is awake I’m either holding her or feeding her or she is sleeping. During the night it’s so hard because she doesn’t sleep. My husband wants to help me more but I think he has gotten to the point where he feels the baby mostly only needs me. My husband helps me change diaper during the day but it’s not enough. Also our sleeping arrangement is different because at the moment we are staying with my mom who only comes home on the weekends. My husband sleeps in a room by himself and the baby and I sleep in the living room because the room is much bigger. I’ve tried to handle these past 5 wks but I feel like a zombie :( ...

Ladies how did your SO help with a new born ?!

Thank you so much for all the advice!!

Feels good to know this is normal. I will do more self care, and will tell my husband to help me as much as he can on top of pumping and letting him feed her during the night.