SO too friendly with a 16yr old

My SO works at an esports family facility... he’s the general manager. But the owners are always around.. and they have a 16 year old.. who is WAYYYY to friendly with my bf. She even dated a 40 year old man! He doesn’t try and tell her to stop. He just giggles back. And he said he doesn’t tell her to stop bc he doesn’t wanna be rude to his bosses daughter. I told him that that’s no excuse for her behavior. They lastnight had to clean the windows.. he was spraying, and she was wiping. And than another guy(who doesn’t work there.. just helps cleaning up) was also helping?? And I asked him.. why do three people need to clean one area of a window??? That’s strange? Who could be counting the drawer? Taking the trash out.. etc. OR!!!!! Cleaning the other side of the glass windows.. she’s always in his face.. she thinks that I’m threatened by her, I’m not.. I find it very strange as to how close they are. They don’t talk outside of work, but she has tried to talk to him over Instagram.. and he was going to until I told him not to! That that’s just strange... when I came up to his job and saw them all cleaning the window together, she backed up on my BF.. and he walked away from her as if he was scared. Than he went to count the drawer, and she followed him, while staring at me. Than she got right up in his face, and just stood there while he was counting the drawer.. she sticks stickers on him... than as we were leaving, she goes “BYEEEE KEVIN” in a very flirty way. I’m not threatened by her!!! TRUST ME! SHES 16!!! I’m 22!!! And my bf is 24!!!

There’s no HR.. it’s the owners, than there’s him. It’s a new company that just opened up here. There opening 5 more, and he will be the regional manager..

And nooooo! I’m not mad at the 16yr old girl!

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Posted at
This is actually your bf’s fault. He’s letting her think her behavior is okay


Posted at
There’s multiple things wrong with this.1) She is a CHILD. Sixteen years old is a child. Her parents should step in, and should have reported a FORTY YEAR OLD MAN who dates a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD. He was a pedophile, and she was preyed upon. Some victims parents don’t care, obviously we don’t know her situation but it doesn’t excuse that a forty year old, and a twenty two year old man are preying on her.2) Your husband/boyfriend should tell any woman, (especially one that is a literal child) that she needs to respect him relationship, and back off. Nobody else owes loyalty to you, besides your partner.It doesn’t matter if she knows about you, or whatever the situation might be, it’s up to HIM to defend HIS relationship.3) You’re obviously threatened by a child, and this comes off as jealous and makes you seem insecure. Confront your man, and leave the 16 year old girl alone.


Holly • Jan 28, 2020
Ooooh, you put exactly what I was thinking into words!


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tell him to stop. One wrong move on his end and she could flip this whole thing on him and make him look like a predator


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If he doesn’t do anything about it then it’ll continue. Also, if he doesn’t do anything about it, someone could report him for being inappropriate with a minor. But, if he doesn’t care then there’s really nothing you can do. If he does, HR would be where to go.


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This is your husbands fault. He needs to stand up and speak up. The fact that he won’t tell a teenager to back off his grown married self is weird.


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He should probably report her to sounds like she's trying to pretty much get with him and also if he doesn't be careful she could get him a lot of trouble.


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That’s a little weird...😂 Explain to him that it’s inappropriate🤦‍♀️