Found out baby gender


So I just found out we are having a boy! We already have a one year old daughter so to have one of each makes me really happy. my significant other on the other hand does not seem so happy about it. he said it's because he knew it was going to be a boy, and before we found out my daughters gender, he always expressed he didnt want a boy because he thinks they are menaces and that they always get into trouble. he has a set mindset on how they will behave and what not and just strongly expressed he doesnt want a boy. it makes me really sad because my father didnt want a baby girl but here I am. I knew how much he disliked the thought of having a baby girl and I'm afraid my significant other is the same way. it also probably has to do with his childhood because my significant others dad was really rough and harsh on him and his brother so I'm afraid he will be the same way.