Feeling lost. 😭


I found out about two weeks ago that I am pregnant, but I’d had this nagging feeing since about a week after conception that I might have been pregnant. I started showing signs very early such as nausea and tender breasts. I am unmarried but in a relationship. My boyfriend and I have talked about this multiple times before confirming pregnancy, and he seemed to be really excited and told me he wanted me to keep it. But now that we know for sure, he’s been so distant, no desire to make any positive steps forward. Since learning I’m pregnant I took a better paying job with better benefits out of the field I payed thousands of dollars in schooling for so I can move out of my aunts house into a place of my own. Anytime I bring up the pregnancy he shuts down and refuses to talk about it. I recently asked him if he even wanted me to keep the baby and he told me “I honestly don’t know.” (I’m keeping it no matter how he feels, I’m 27 and not giving up my dream of being a mother to save a relationship)

I’m honestly just so overwhelmed and hurt and idk what to do. Its almost like he’s acting like I got pregnant without his knowledge or consent. He’s the one who suddenly decided he didn’t want to pull out anymore. Sorry if it’s tmi.