I want to give up breastfeeding but my husband wants me to continue...

Today was my son’s second month appointment and the pediatrician nurse is a little bit concerned about his weight. He was born small he was 5lbs 6oz. He now weighs 8lbs 4oz. He’s suppose to be gaining .5oz-1oz a day is what I’m told. My husband wants me to continue he thinks we’ve came a long way (he had to be in NICU for almost 2 days) and our son looks healthy, happy and content. I agree too but idk. I’m so tired of weight checks every two weeks. I’m tired of the roller coaster. I get great news from two pediatricians then I come around this pediatrician nurse she gives me slightly bad news or concerns. She gives me anxiety and makes me wanna give up so bad and give him formula. I just got over a long month cluster feed with my little one. So going to his appointment today and hearing that made me a bit depressed and anxious. This is so hard 🤕😞