Please help.. I just went through a horrific thing. I’m 19 years old and pregnant. My boyfriends parents came to my house and cornered me and my mom in our own kitchen and basically went on and on about how this child will never ever be loved or accepted by them and then they proceeded to question if the baby even was tylers and I’m sitting here BALLING MY EYES OUT and my moms like ok that’s just ridiculous we know it’s his and you don’t need to take it to this extent then the dad proceeded to SLUT shame me saying that I was gunna end up like the neighborhood whore who is piss poor with nothing. And compared my house to a CRACK DEN. Like yes I live in a small house but it’s NOTHING like that I can assure you. They basically praised his ex and said I ruined his life. They wouldn’t leave until i said I would get an abortion. I don’t want too but they screamed at me and bashed me so bad I’m still in shock. Being pregnant isn’t helping one bit.