1 hr diabetes test questions


Hi so two weeks ago I switched obgyn groups and they had me do my diabetes test because of my weight. I started at 220 and am now 228. I am 27 weeks. My previous ob was never on me about me weight as long as I maintained a healthy gain and kept my active lifestyle. Well this new group is making me do another one hour test even though I passed my last one because this midwife is acting like I’m going to kill my baby because I’m, in health standards, morbidly obese. For a bit of reference, at my last appointment, per orders of my cardiologist I had to up my sodium to keep my blood pressure at norm, and she told me I was going to turn into bacon and grow a piggy tail. 🙄If you looked at me you would even know I weight what I do to be honest. I eat well, I hike, and before pregnancy I went to the gym 5/6 days a week. I have never in my life had anything that would indicate the need for diabetes testing. With my son I was even heavier and there wasn’t an thought to making me sit through multiple tests.

I go see a different midwife in this group next week and honestly I think I want to tell her I’m not doing another one when I just passed with no issue, what will be next Friday, three weeks ago.

I would also like to add that I see a endocrinologist every four weeks for hyperthyroidism and regular blood work ups and she doesn’t even mention it and she’s a diabetes doctor. She even looked at my results from two weeks ago and said nothing but happy things that I passed since I have so many other health issues in my pregnancy this time around (weekly IV iron, hyperthyroidism and a 3cm nodule they discovered, and low blood pressure/High pulse from the thyroid issues).

Anyway sorry for the long post, I just want to know what you guy would do in this situation. Would you repeat it because this lady is just mad about your weight? I literally just took it and she thinks it funny I have to take it again. I however, do not. And quite frankly think she’s wasting time. To be honest she’s even heavier than me maybe she should look in the mirror.