Screaming baby


My daughter will be 8 months on the 5th. This past week she has resorted to screaming at the top of her lungs. Now she started doing this while trying to poop (she was having a hard time going but we’ve gotten that under control) a few weeks ago but now it’s like non stop. All of her needs are met is for attention? I mean she’s getting plenty between me being a SAHM along with her sister. Like I will put her on the floor and get down on the floor to play with her and she’ll start. She was doing it earlier while eating some cereal...screaming in between each bite. And it’s like a hurt scream not necessarily one for attention.

My first never did this. I tried to ignore it but omg she’s loud lol! She is teething so I know that may play a what point would you take her to be checked. I just want to make sure I’m not missing an ear infection or something else going on but she has no other symptoms.

I’m not sure how this kid still has a voice