Has anyone on here as were successfully terminated by logical parents right for stepparent adoption?

Long story short I have a 11 year old son. He is the light of my life and I have taken care of him since the day he was born.. his biological father on the other hand has not been there at all. In and out of rehab and I just recently found out he moved to an other state. He has not seen him since he was about 3 and has not paid a dime in court ordered child support. My husband of 5 years has been my sons rock and we went through Process of hiring a lawyer to terminate my son’s biological fathers rights. It’s been a few months but we have a court date set for February, his biological father of course Wants to fight me on the adoption. Even though he lives in another state and hasn’t seen him in over eight years not even so much a phone call on his birthday. Anyone on here have any stories they can share? I’m nervous as hell

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