Husband is so stubborn!! What to do?!

My husband and I live with my parents and our room is so tiny we can’t even walk! Literally to have our baby in the swing he needs to be in the doorway with the door opened. My point is.. we need to move out!! I’m pregnant now again too so we’re about to be a family of 4 and I don’t want us to live here any longer (neither does he) my parents have problems with my using their kitchen, living room... ect.

I see it as a major priority to move out!! Especially because we are expecting another baby.

My husband keeps pursing a car (we live in nyc and don’t need one!!) he is obsessed and loves them. Watches videos, stares out the window and more.

He insists on using his tax money (I’m a stay at home mom) to buy us a car :(

I feel this is pushing us back even more and he doesn’t see the urgency in getting us out of here.

He is still currently texting me about visit his grandparents to ask to get a car in their name cause he’s still trying to build his credit.

What would you do? I’m about to just let him get this car and see how much of a bad choice it is on his own because everything I say goes out the window..

He works hard for his money but I’m thinking of straight up telling him you are being selfish.

Btw I don’t mean some cheap car. He wants something he likes.. how do you go from living rent free no bills! To car and apartment.. in the city.