Anybody else feeling down in the dumps!

Beth • 21/03/2018. 11:36am. 7lb 9oz GEORGE ELLIOTT FISHWICK 🥰 expecting a baby girl 💖due 09.03.2020 xo

I have 5 weeks left till my due date,

I’ve been in and out of hospital in pre term labour. Having painful contractions but no dilation, I’ve had the most nastiest chest infection, trush and now I’m full of a cold! I haven’t slept properly in over a week because of my 2 year old 😢 and I suffer with pelvic girdle, abit of sciatica and also SPD ( I’ve got the bonus of having all 3 😩 )

Today I just am so fed up, I’m exhausted, physically and mentally drained going through all of this! I know my baby girl will be worth it in the end 100% and I know 5! Weeks isn’t long to go.

I just needed to let off some steam,!? And that’s perhaps have a good cry 😭

If anybody is feeling the same and came out of it, I’d love to hear 👂I need some positivity

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