Wow I thought he was different

When I went through a break up I posted a painting picture on an FB group and got a friend request and message from some guy. My first thought was oh god what type of energy am I giving out to attract him. Cause my previous relationship was emotionally abusive and toxic so of course I was “broken” and needing to pull myself together. So for the past year on and off we’d casually message each other on Insta or FB just about painting ideas etc. His GF at the time left for the Navy and he suddenly started messaging more but it was more day to day stuff. He wanted a girls opinion etc. Apparently to him he’s a nice guy that gets screwed over a lot and she’d shit talk him and belittling him etc. So he sends me screen shots of their messages cause she just got back home and apparently she mentioned how he pushed her/ showed his junk to her sister while drunk, wrote letters to her while at the Navy about wanting to hug,kiss, and fuck her. She mentioned how her leaving they agreed to be friends. He then went on about how he’s sorry and made some mistakes etc.

I know maybe that’s not info for me to share, but idk what to do. Like he apparently doesn’t remember doing stuff and at most thinks he sent xoxo and read her journal, which first hand I’m used to with my ex. I’m asking cause there’s 3 sides to every story and I’ll only get to know his. Do I stop messaging him? Keep messaging him? Or idk? I don’t feel scared for me cause he’s in another state, but I’m done with that type of energy and guys basing their worth and entire world around a gal plus pushing no matter how light, is not ok

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