He has some damn nerve

Rachel • Mommy Of An Angel 👼, A Baby Girl 🧒🏼 and Baby Boy 👦🏼 Breastfeeding Peer Helper

My husband has some damn fucking balls!

Today at work he text me said he was starting to get pissed off we weren’t having sex regularly anymore.

It’s been 2 weeks, I am 32 weeks pregnant, work full time, come home cook dinner, we all eat, bath our almost 2 year old, get her ready for bed, fight with her for an hour to sleep (yay sleep regression), go to bed myself, get up every hour or two to put her back down, all while he stays up playing a game or watching tv til 11/12 helping me very little.

Then obviously when he comes to bed I am in no damn mood too because I’ve been asleep for 2 hours, but I have no right to be aggravated with him when he wakes me up too try 🙄