Moms of boys who’ve been through puberty

l y s h✌🏻 • Mama x 5 🤍 + 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

So my ten year old is definitely going through puberty. Smelly pits, mood swings, temper, crying, clingy etc.

Help me get through this stage without pushing him away but still giving him the boundaries and discipline he needs for his actions.

Example: tonight I asked him to get in bed twice.. after the second time he decided it would be more fun to shoot a nerf gun at his brother. So I calmly went in and told him he had lost his video games this weekend (he only gets screens on weekends so this is a huge consequence to him). Of course the theatrics start and he says “well so and so isn’t in bed! Etc etc” complete sass. So i reiterate “now your screens are definitely gone thanks to that attitude and your disobedience”

We then had a big talk on respect and obedience and he likes to throw the “you hate me” guilt trip at me. :( but i stood my ground and reminded him I love him and i love him so much that I give him consequences because he has to learn that his actions have consequences. You get the drill. He’s an amazing kid. Gets good grades, has never been in trouble at school and loves his siblings... this season of life is totally throwing me for a loop as he’s my oldest and I’ve never been here before.

Anyways. What else can I do?! I’m so worried he’s going to grow up hating me or being depressed and I’m totally screwing him up in puberty. I want us to get through this hard time together and come out stronger. Any other tips?! Thanks mamas!