Fast but long labor and delivery...

Nelly • Hey guys. I’m nelly. I am getting divorced and am engaged to my love. We have 6 kids together. I have 3 kids. We have cal 14, nat 11, bear 6, will 5, mara 2 and grey 2. He has 3 kids as well.

Finally had my last baby!!! Got my tubes tied after delivering my baby girl!!!

On Tuesday, January 22, started with strong contractions around 9-10pm and keep in mind I was 1 cm but my due date isn’t till 2-9-20 and have gestational diabetes so getting induced on 39th week. Also, 3rd baby and first baby was induced at 40 weeks and 2nd baby naturally induced by doctor at 39weeks 6 days. So back to story... started with contractions at 9-10pm (9-12 min apart 1-1.5 minutes long) and kept contracting till I couldn’t handle it. Now Wednesday at 4am we headed to hospital and said that I was 2cm. Waited 2 hrs and was sent home. Contractions are getting stronger and still the same timing. Kept contracting all day and night, husband went to work and around lunch time 11:30pm I go to bathroom and lots of blood drops while going to bathroom. Call my husband and ask brother in law to take me to hospital. They check me and I’m at 2cm still. Everything is ok and sent me home AGAIN!! Now, Thursday morning I get home and try to sleep it off and wake up at 6am to help kids go to school but contractions are so much stronger and now 3-5 mins apart lasting 1.5-2 mins. Husband calls hospital to see if we should go back and we head to hospital. Get there at 9 am and can’t even talk through contractions and am crying then anxiety kicks in for second but I’m ok. They check me and I’m 7cm then move me to deliver room. Start setting room up and check me again I’m 8cm and ask me to push a bit and then I’m a 9cm. Dr and nurses ready for me to start pushing and 4-5 pages and my baby girl is born! Born at 37 weeks and 4 days my last baby Amara Ellie born on 1-23-20 at 10:01am 6lbs 12oz and 19 in long.