Crying when sick. How to stop?

Everytime I get sick and have to tell someone I start crying. Times when I've gotten sick at work and had to tell my boss so i could go home id just end up in tears telling here and end up so stressed and embarrassed because of it.

Even today I called in sick and ended up in tears on the phone, was told to come in because we needed staff so i came in and we didn't need staff so on my lunch break when the second in command saw me she asked what was wrong and i end up crying telling her how i was sick and she fixed everything so i could go home and told me not to come in tomorrow.

Now our boss just sent a group message to all of us to tell us we had to call her first if calling in sick (i called my workplace first as we have a 2 hour notice policy before shift if sick) so i know it was aimed at me and now I'm thinking i better call her before 7pm (cut off time) to say i cant make it tomorrow even though the SC said to stay home tomorrow and rest. I know if i call im going to cry again and dont know how to stop it from happening.