Anyone know what I should do ?

Not sure what to expect from this ..

So I had a baby 3 months ago and I haven’t went back to work when I was working at my job site I was “on call”

But as of right now my title is on “leave”

I’m honestly still not ready to go back to work the hours at that job require 12 hour shifts sometimes 16 I’m really not ready to leave my baby for those long period of hours I’m currently breast feeding him and I honestly don’t have a family member to babysit him for 12 hours and for me daycare is out of the question especially because he’s only 3 months I’m not bashing the moms who go back to work right after having a baby I know they have to but I been fortunate and I am enjoying being a stay at home mom

I haven’t quit my job or anything but I was receiving unemployment for 6 weeks after I had my son then I got approved for 6 more weeks of family bonding time and now I received a letter in the mail saying I’ll have a unemployment interview tomorrow morning to see if I can be eligible for benefits

I’m not sure what to really say one of the questions that will be asked is if I’m working and have a job ?

I do have a job just I’m on leave and I’m unable to work the 12 hour shift since my son is so small do u think the unemployment will suggest I quit that job ?? My job site hasn’t called me or even texted me to see when I’ll return I haven’t heard anything from them at all I been looking online for a part time job nothing over 5 hours but I haven’t had any luck I have zero experience in retail :/ i have job experience only in a hospital and nursing home my job title is a CNA but I’m tying to get away from that because all the jobs around my town require long hour shifts and I simply can’t work those hours with a new baby anyways ..

How do u pass these kinda interviews I never had a phone interview done before ..