Does this look like possible scabies?

I’m about to see my primary care doctor anyways in 2 weeks but I’m wondering if this looks like scabies. It is the only mark like this on my body, I’ve never seen scabies in person before. I have only been with 1 person in the last 5 years so like, I haven’t had any physical contact with someone other than him. I really have no idea where it could have come from. If started out like this. It itched like nothing I’d ever felt before, it was intense so don’t judge the sore I got from itching I could not stand this itch.

Someone told me to mark a circle around the redness so I did, and it just kept growing and kept me awake at night with severe itching so I put prescription steroid cream on it that I had in my cabinet. This was actually so much worse than it looks, the inside of my thigh was so swollen like a gigantic welt had formed.

And it shrank down to this because of the cream.

The little scar below it is from an ingrown hair so nevermind that. But that streak of red makes me think scabies.