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My husband and I want to plan a vacation to Florida with our 1.5-year-old daughter. My mom watches my daughter Monday through Friday while me and my husband work. In conversation, it came up that we were thinking about planning a vacation and she’s slowly been inviting herself by dropping little hints here and there. The other day she said that her and my dad would come along and watch my daughter if my husband and I wanted to go out to dinner a couple times or whatever else. I know that she hasn’t been on vacation in years and would love to go somewhere. However, I’m not quite sure I want her and my father coming along. I obviously trust my mom with my daughter since she watches her full-time but my mom does a lot of things with her that I don’t necessarily agree with. I’ve discussed these things with her over and over but it’s really hard for her to change her habits… she has gotten much better though. Sometimes she can tend to be overbearing and talk way too much when my husband and I would just let my daughter play quietly. Also, depending on the day, my mom can either be really positive and happy, or negative and complaining about everything. I wonder if I’m being selfish by not wanting her to come along, and I feel bad since I know she’d really like to be there and she’s been inviting herself. I feel like it might be nice for our daughter to have a week with just mom and dad though, and for us to really get to enjoy all our time as a family. What would you do?

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