Gift registry/ Breastfeeding

My cousin and SIL have asked me to make an Amazon registry for my baby shower. We learn the gender next week (🤞🏼 Boy!) so until then I’m just adding non- gender specific items. Me and hubby will be taking care of all the large items (I just don’t like asking for expensive gifts) I am really hoping that I will be able to successfully nurse for at least a year. I’ve already added boppy pillow, nursing pads, and lanolin cream. I’ll get a pump from my insurance. Any recommendations for breastfeeding related items or even tips?

Also I know that fed is best so I had added gift sets of two different brands of bottles just in case nursing doesn’t work out.

Any other item recommendations are welcome as well. I know that first time moms tend to be over prepared so I’m trying to only ask for stuff we will actually need and I’m sure our family and friends will go off registry a bit and get us things they loved when their babies were little too.

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Get an extra cover for your Boppy. There are also “waterproof” liners you can put under the cover to protect the pillow. (They aren’t 100% waterproof, but enough to keep the pillow dry from small spit ups.) You may even want to consider getting 2 nursing pillows, especially if you have a 2 story house and will be nursing both upstairs and downstairs. Also lots of burp cloths. I like the burts bees burp cloths and the Aiden and Anais ones.


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I loved motherlove nipple cream and didn’t like lanolin. The lanolin was super sticky and it hurt to but on especially in the early weeks.


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Nursing ice packs or soothing pads! I love mine. It is especially helpful when the little cluster feeds. A play mat. We have one that you can fold the sides up. It’s been nice because I know baby can’t roll away haha. It also will turn into a mini ball pit when he is older. A couple of different brands of pacifiers if you plan to use them.


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You’ll need a way to store whatever you pump- breastmilk bags or storage bottles that can be frozen. Also, I’d suggest a cooler pack so you can take pumped milk wherever you need to. Also, I’d have at least 4 small bottles (4 or 5oz). You’ll want someone else to be able to feed the baby at some point so you can run to target or have dinner with your friends or just so you can have a little break. I found that having two sets of breast pump parts was really helpful too. I have extra flanges, valves, pump bottles and backflow protectors. I’d also suggest not using lanolin. If you do a little research you’ll find it’s controversial. Aside from that, the Montgomery glands on the areola actually produce a protective oil and combined with residual breastmilk are effective. You really don’t need any added oil unless your Montgomery glands don’t function well enough.