Bacterial vaginitis

I’m in need of help for anyone who had bacterial vaginitis! I’m a 22 year old female and I’ve been getting constant reoccurring yeast infections and bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis🤦🏾‍♂️ it started last year in April, i noticed that magnum condoms were causing constant yeast infections for me so i switched to lamb skins, but that only made it worse... I’ve went to my primary care doctor who gave me the diagnosis, been put on antibiotics 3 times, and even got treatment for trich (which it wasn’t but i still didn’t wanna risk it incase it was) as u may imagine I’m beyond stressed I’ve lost weight, stop eating literally everything, switched up my fem soaps, tried using only water to clean, taking probiotics, apple cider vinegar remedies, drink a gallon of water a day and the list continues each doctor i go to tells me the same thing and it’s like it gets worse each time it comes back and it’s embarrassing... i get random cuts on the outside of my vag, it burns and itches badly and my discharge is clumpy but streaky at the same time it has a very foul order and leaks throughout the day and night if anyone has any advice or think it could a fertility issue they’ve experienced or maybe a not very well known std please commit below because i have fertility problems on my mother side. Please help😔