When are you announcing?



I'm due sept 11th and really want to announce soon my parents know but I can't hold it in anymore I seen my peanut on a scan at 7 weeks at has a good heartbeat do you think it's too soon to announce yet? Have you announced yet? ♥️

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Posted at
September 3 here !! I'm going to wait to announce ....maybe 16 weeks ish ??


Posted at
I announced as soon as I found out with my son, so at about 4w3d. He’s a happy healthy 3 year old. We got our positive last August and decided to wait, and ended up miscarrying at 5w5d. Now we are pregnant again, due late September.. I’m currently 6w1d and told family only at 5w; will tell everyone else after our first appointment next week!


Posted at
I’m due on the 10th. We have told our immediate family but will not post to social media until the beginning of March. You can definitely post whenever you feel like it though! We just wanted to wait until we hit 12 weeks before letting the rest of the world know. 🙂


Posted at
I’m trying to wait after my 10 week scan and NIPT (harmony test) preferably after my 12 week scan as I had a missed miscarriage at around 8 weeks last year (didn’t find out until 12 weeks sadly) but at least this time I have more scans in between 😊 I’ll probably tell my parents after the 10 week one and close friends after the 12 week. Public and work I’d like to wait between 16-20 weeks x


Posted at
I’m due Sept 7 and told close family and friends. We had two previous miscarriages so we are going to wait after our 12 week scan and genetic test which is this coming Monday. If all comes back ok we will go public then.


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We went ahead and told our parents and close friends but will probably wait until 12 weeks to tell everyone else. I’m due September 9th.


Posted at
I’m due September 11th too! I think we are going to tell family on Valentine’s at 10 weeks if everything looks strong at our 9 week scan next week! 🥰


claire • Jan 31, 2020
Yay due date twins ♥️♥️♥️ I did a Valentine's Day announcement too but can't hold it in anymore haha