please someone help me.

I need someone to read this and to just help me, anyone, who has the time to read this and write anything to me.. please.

I’m 19, and 7 weeks pregnant. I wrote a post yesterday, about abortion and this is along the same lines. I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years, we’ve always wanted a baby but clearly further down when we have a place and more money and have traveled more.

When we found out he cried but was happy, we told my mom the same night and his parents & sister, the next day. They reacted happily, he kept saying he was happy for days. Now it’s been about 3 weeks since we’ve known, and he’s treated me different since Monday. We live together in my moms house bc we don’t have a place, I’m in my senior year (although I’m 19) and he’s graduated and working. He went from being happy, to now being weird towards me, not talking as much and basically said it’s my decision to either keep it or not, but he isn’t going to add anything into it as he doesn’t want to be seen as the “Bad Guy” I know its my decision at the end of the day, but I don’t know what to do.. I feel like I’m going crazy, I’ve cried so much & have cried my eyes out all morning today. I have no one to talk to and haven’t talked to him since he said he doesn’t want to talk about it and won’t say anything more since it’s 100% my decision.. I’m starting to feel depressed and even a bit suicidal. I don’t want to be dealing with this. I’ve always wanted to be a mother but it isn’t like he’s even realizing the way I’ve been feeling or anything, it’s Like he doesn’t care. I’ve been crying whenever he isn’t around and know it isn’t ideal since we don’t have an apartment or me not working yet or even me not driving (he can & has a car) but I feel like I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to abort then regret it but I don’t want a baby with someone who doesn’t want it anymore (although he was happy at first) his family & my mom are supportive & I know my mom is here for me regardless but I know only I can choose this decision myself..

someone please give me a word of hope or anything. I know you guys cannot chose for me.