how do i deal with this????

dirty commie xxx

my boyfriend has recently been getting in contact with his old friends. one was from a year or two ago and the other was 3 years ago. both of them he’s mentioned have had a ‘thing’ with him wether it was for a week or longer.

hes not a guy that gets along better with girls as most of his friends are guys.

yesterday he was on his snapchat and had two messages- one from his boys group chat snd another from a name i couldnt make out. he only opened the boys group chat. and when i told him later on that he had another message to open on snap he kinda froze up and just acted like he didnt know about this message. so i went to go on his phone and kept snatching it away from me and stuff, playing it off as a joke. i asked why he deleted my fingerprint so he got the fingerprint thing up and let me put one on but kept bugging me asking if i had done yet, ready to take his phone.

i don’t usually go on his phone or anything as i hate thar he does it to me so much and i believe in respecting people’s privacy. but when he finally gave up nagging and went back to his game i went onto his snapchat and opened the message. they had been talking for ages the night before and he didn’t mention anything of the sort about it.

it really hurts me even now to think about it because i feel like he enjoys talking to her more than me and when we arent talking because hes annoyed at me or something, hes talking to her and forgetting about me.

yesterday a guy from my past had text me and i thought i blocked him but it either glitched or i unblocked him when my head was fucked when me and my boyfriend had a massive blowout or something. either way i couldnt remember, which i explained to him but it was obviously still wrong so i apologised and blocked the guy infront of him. because of this i cant say anything about the girl he was talking to as he will just bring up the guy who text me, which makes me feel like he’s talking to her because he feels like he can or to get back at me. since then he’s been weird with me and told me to go to sleep when i got home from his yesterday as he needed ‘time’ to get over it. i cant help but worry as he also refuses to have me on snapchat.

shall i just leave it or? what shall i do? how do i get over it??