Cancelled cycle and waiting on AF

I should of asked this when we cancelled my cycle but I was already a hot mess, since I can’t call the dr until Monday I’m turning to the glow community to hopefully calm my anxiety 🤞🏻

😬 so we cancelled during stims, last injection was Jan 9th, because apparently I’m a slow responder.. I kind of assumed AF would show up on the normal day since my cycles are normally like clock work (28 days), super regular, and I have no underlying issues.. we have MFI... so I should have started on January 24th... still nothing and on CD 36 now... I feel perfectly fine but my anxiety is starting to kick in.. I’ve read some drs have people take the trigger shot and some don’t.. ours did not have me do that so i assume that’s why My cycle is delayed 🤷🏻‍♀️

anyone else have a similar experience??