How soon did you have sex after vaginal delivery?



How soon after a vaginal delivery (with stitches) did you wait to have sex? Did you wait the dr recommended 6 weeks, sooner, longer...?

My dr told us to wait 6 weeks and said that even after that, the first time we have sex again it’s going to hurt. We are almost to 4 weeks and I still feel really bruised and sore down there, so I don’t think I’m up for sex anytime soon. However I’m just wondering if a lot of other women do follow the 6 week rule or no? I’m also wondering if anyone waited longer than the 6 weeks bc they were still sore.

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You’re incredibly susceptible to infection and complications if you don’t wait until you’re cleared by your doctor.Sex isn’t worth it...


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I waited probably 12+ weeks because I was sore and it did hurt a LOT after having stitches. Even if I felt up to it, it’s not worth the risk of infection before 6 weeks. There’s a huge wound in your uterus and I’ll never understand how women don’t even consider that when they say they feel ok enough to go ahead with it. I’m not trying to die of an infection because I made a stupid decision😂


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I waited two months with both of mine. Healing is very important


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Like 9-10 weeks. I needed healing time.


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8 weeks!


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I waited until about 7, and it wasn’t awful pain but it felt like where my stitches were was going to burst. Since then we’ve tried a couple times and it’s getting better. Just wait until you feel ready and have been cleared by your doctor.


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We tried at 5 weeks but my scars were too sore 6-7 weeks was the soonest we were able to with it being comfortable.


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I was healed at 4 weeks but had an extremely easy labor and delivery If you dont think you're ready, you aren't and even when you think you are, I'd still give it a little while(of course with dr. Okay)


RyRy • Feb 1, 2020
My labor and delivery was extremely easy, which is why I’m surprised I’m still so sore and feeling bruised. I had our first on the 7th; my water broke at 4:30am, and she was born at 5:10pm that same evening. I only pushed for 10 minutes. I’m fine waiting the 6 weeks bc of how I feel right now but part of me is wondering if I’ll have to wait even longer than that


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I’m 4 months postpartum and still haven’t had sex I’m terrified lol. I had such a bad recovery though. I couldn’t walk completely normal for 2 months. I still feel tender til this day 😭


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I waited till a little after 4 months after I had my first child because it hurt and honestly I was scared. The second time around we waited 4 weeks. I was healed and even though my doc gave me the side eye she said a lot of people don’t wait the full 6weeks and as long as it didn’t hurt or pop the stitches we were good. I honestly couldn’t help myself, I had to talk my husband into it, he didn’t want it to hurt or re tear me. But we were fine.