They want to take my baby away!!!

I have no idea what to do right now. I’m mad and upset.

My neighbors want to call animal control for my puppy that has separation anxiety.

I have tried music to blanket toys and things that smell like me. Even different type of smells that claims to calm pups down.

Back in November my husband just left for 6 month deployment and he got me a puppy so that I wouldn’t feel alone and for my own anxiety and depression. Just after my husband left a week later I have a letter on my door about my pup crying and whining. I did call my property landlord and told them that I have a letter on my door. I was upset that I seen a letter and not a person. My neighbor sees me and says nothing to me. I’ve tried multiple at home things and training. But as soon as I leave out of my apartment building he must starts crying. I don’t hear him crying when I enter the building or leave the building.

I do work and just recently came to a decision to leave my part time job because multiple personal reasons. But I still have 2 weeks left at my job. I never give any permission for anyone to enter my apartment unless I am there. I pay rent on time and I also pay for my puppy Perseus to live here as well.

I’m flustered and have no idea what to do. I don’t want to loose my family.

I do understand my neighbors side of the story. But I can’t be reasonable because he is my family and I can’t loose him. He’s like my child.

Thank you guys for the responses!

I have considered doggy daycare but I don’t have the money for it.

Getting my dog registered as a support dog is definitely something I want to do but hubby doesn’t want it. Why?

Perseus and absolutely harmless lol he’s actually really friendly and greets EVERYTHING. He’s very curious and never stray too far from me. Unless he thinks it’s playtime. I literally can’t use the restroom in peace. He’s clingy and bit of a scaredy-cat.

Crate training I have tried and is still trying. He came be in the cage when I’m home and is absolutely quiet. But if he hears a door he’s high alert and his cage is far from the door and away from where I sleep. He’s great when I’m home.

I haven’t tried any cbd treats or doggy Xanax.

As for the letter

It was a noise complaint about what they hear. My pup crying and whining. It didn’t say barking. It said the cage rattled and sound like it’s stomping. And to quiet my dog while I’m not home.

Percy is in the crate during the time I am away. I have let him be free before when I’m gone. I enjoyed it and so does him. But when I’m not home he will try to do things for attention thinking it will bring me back faster. He would not use the puppy pad when away or poo on it either. And when I am pushing time like being away longer than 4hrs-5hrs he gets anxious so he starts to destroy his toys. Which I get it, he’s a pup and shouldn’t be alone longer than 4hrs and I try my best to stick to a schedule. I do want to invest in a doggy cam because I believe it will be a sight to see lol.

Update: I have random people come to my home claiming to have spoken to my husband, who is deployed. My husband can barely contact me and yet they claim to have spoken to him. And even knows my husband name? My husband is not the type of person to speak to “religious” people on the streets. In my apartment the walls are thin. They tried speaking to me and I was offended when they ask me “were you always like this?” “ God loves people with good hurts” “he answer those with pure hearts” I have not said much to them besides my husband is away at the moment. I feel completely uncomfortable now. It’s not the first time I have random people knocking at my door but it’s the first that I have felt so uncomfortable in a place I stay. I wanted to think it’s a coincidence but I don’t know because I have a bad gut feeling. I’m trying to remain as positive as I came be but I have a really bad gut feeling. And they didn’t knock on all my other neighbor’s doors just straight to mines and even afterwards just left the building. Even if my husband spoken to someone why would they come to my door instead of waiting for a reply and how do they know where I live? My exact location....