Has this happen to anyone else???


Turnt 28weeks Wednesday! Woke up with partial vision in my left eye 😐 had to go to the hospital it just got worse with in minutes my blood pressure was normal they did a CT it was normal sat at the hospital from 10:30-2:30 had my regular OB appointment at 3:30 it’s been a long day and all they told me at the hospital was they “think” it was a detached retina and it fixed its self while I was there also I’ve had a headache since yesterday at 4:30 am Tylenol of course hasn’t helped it any 😭😭 even the OB wasn’t sure what’s causing all this have to call and make an appointment with a eye doctor tomorrow also just got my arm stuck behind the couch trying to reach behind it 😭😭 y’all pray for me it’s been a ruff day

Now Friday ! It happened again but it was my right eye this time almost wrecked trying to get to the hospital 😬 lost complete vision in my eye vision slowly came back with in two hours also was accompanied this time my memory problems in triage when I said I was pregnant they asked who my OB was and I could not remember for the life of me after triage I had to look in my patient portal from previous doctor visits to get my doctors name just for my peace of mind also struggled to remember my birthday too I had to say it 3 times and type it out on my phone to be sure it was right they did do a MRI it came back normal ER just chalked it up at a weird migraine have to do a follow up with a neurologist

Now Saturday it happened a 3rd time took a hour to get vision back didn’t bother with hospital this time definitely will be making appointments with neurologist and eye doctor and will be letting my OB know what’s went on over the weekend I’m just wondering if anyone else has had something similar happen to them