Best friend not being very supportive

Kasey • 27 🤱🏼 girl mom ❤️ Bachelors in Psychology with a minor in Human Sexuality 🌸

I’ve been very open with my best friends that my husband and I are TTC. I brought it up today that I’m excited that I’m hopefully pregnant even though its our first attempt. I just feel like her response seems shocked? It’s like she doesn’t think I should be trying? My mom has been pressuring me to have a baby since I got married three years ago and I vented to my friends about it before, my mom even brought it up again recently after we had already decided to start trying which made me frustrated cause I don’t want my mom to think we got pregnant because of her pestering me, but I thought I was clear with my friends that we are excited to start trying. I don’t know if I’m just reading it wrong, but my feelings are kind of hurt by the way she responded. Am I in the wrong?