Pregnancy resource center

So when I found out I was pregnant (I had just turned 21 and was very naive) I went to a pregnancy resource center in January of 2019 because I was thinking about options other than parenting. The pregnancy was the result of a broken condom. I wasn't in a relationship with the father. I only went because my cousin told me to go because she went there when she was pregnant with her baby. Well I had no idea they were anti abortion and Christian based. They took a lot of information from me like my address and said they were going to "check in" on me from time to time.

Well I ended up having an abortion a few weeks later because I was just not in the right mental or physical space to raise a child at that time. I totally had forgotten about the pregnancy resource place. They ended up calling me and leaving voicemails so often I had to block the number. They sent cards to my house asking if I'd like to come in to receive maternity clothes and go to a parenting class.

I ended up moving out of the city and somehow they're still sending me letters. Maybe my address was forwarded? I'm not sure why they're still doing this, it's been over a year. I dont have the courage to call them and tell them I had an abortion so idk what to do? They cant show up at my house can they?