I’ve been a bad mother ...

Hello everyone,

I need to get this off of my chest. My husband lives in another country and I will be moving in a gew months with me 2 year old. My birth was beyond horrible and traumatizing.

I had an amazing pregnancy ... I’m constantly alone with my daughter. She doesn’t sleep ... doesn’t eat. Throws everything I make on the floor. Cries at every single thing. Won’t let me change her diapers. Screams and screams any whwre I take her. Wants to go out all the time. Won’t let me rest or even eat.

I’ve been yelling at her all the time I can’t control my frustration.even if I ask someone to help she won’t go to them.

I’m hating being a mom I find it so boring and it’s like a chore. She has a horrible attitude but she’s such a smart girl.

I hate this. Also I have terrible anxiety since being a mom and I’m considering medication ... I feel awful for being so mean to her.