Am I the asshole? Or is she wrong?

Ok so currently we live with my MIL and SIL while our house is being built. Anyways, my SIL is super sensitive and sometimes I feel like she can be dramatic. I’ve been through some reeeeally traumatic stuff and I guess I don’t know I’m just desensitized or if she’s actually dramatic. An example of this is...she was in the kitchen and my 4 year old pretended to scare her. He came up behind her and said “BOO”. She started hyperventilating and said she had PTSD. Later that night she said one time her brother tried to take a lanyard off her neck from behind and it scared her so now she has PTSD and can’t handle being scared. To me, I was like ok that’s dramatic but do you. Like I said though I can also be insensitive (which I’m working on) so I didn’t say anything because I had to process it. OK NOW...on to the situation this post is about. My MIL had 2 troubled foster children who she later adopted. They had behavioral issues among other issues so for safety reasons, all of the doors were locked. So to get into any room, you had a key (hence the lanyard from before). This was about 20 years ago. Fast forward to now. We are having some issues with my 4 year old getting into things. He has some delays and isn’t “typical” and I constantly have an eye on him. However, sometimes it’s not preventable. For example if he’s taking a nap, he will wake up and sneak into another room instead of coming to me. Its not realistic that I sit in the hallway for 2 hours to monitor him. With that being said, we locked my SIL’s door while she’s at work to keep her things safe. We also lock our door, the bathroom door, and the hall closet. Well she informed us she didn’t want it locked so we said ok fine. Yesterday he snuck in there and grabbed her Xbox remote. We immediately caught it, made him apologize, etc. She was really bothered by this though. We ended up sitting down and talking. We told her that it’s impossible to trail behind him 1000% of the time despite our best attempts and that’s why we needed to lock her door while she’s not here. She started shutting down and saying she has PTSD from the foster kids and she “lived in a prison for years and refuses to do it again”. Then she said “When I come home and have to unlock my door it’s like PTSD kicks in and I’m in a black hole and can’t escape.” I sort of sat there like ?? I didn’t say anything because again, I don’t know if I’m insensitive or if she’s really just over the top. But she locks her door when she’s inside of it? She said it’s different. I just don’t get it. Like it was 20 years ago and she’s not even home while it’s locked. It’s not like she was locked in a room or had any direct trauma with the locks. She just had to lock them for a few years while the foster children adjusted. I sort of feel like she’s being dramatic and overusing the term “PTSD”. I also can’t feel super terrible when he goes in her room sneakily (it’s rare but it does happen) when she won’t let us lock the door. I dont know I’ve just been trying to process this. Any thoughts are super appreciated.

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