Falling out of love..

My husband and I have been together for 4 years and have been married for 2. We have a 2 year old daughter and one on the way. The first 2 years were incredible. He's the most selfless man who doesn't ask for much. Over the past 2 years I've felt us drift apart. He is no longer touchy feely at all. Not even a little bit. He NEVER wants to be intimate. When we are I have to do all the work and make the first move. It drives me insane to not feel wanted. We've talked about this many times and he always says he's just tired and that he will try to show me that he's still into me.. no matter how many times we talk about it the result is always the same. He never wants to do anything. He just watched sports and is happy in just doing that. I hate the way we talk to each other, the way we look at eachother now. I want to go to marriage counseling but he refuses. Every person that knows my husband always tells me that I'm one of the lucky ones. That he's a really good man, faithfull, hard working and selfless. How come I feel so alone, unloved and unhappy.. I'm in tears as I write this. I dont know what to do anymore. The passion is gone. How the hell do we get it back ? Our first was made out of pure love. This time it's different. We dont cuddle at all, I cant even get him to hold my hand without him rolling his eyes at me. I'll try to be playful with him on the couch and theres nothing on his end. Anyone else going through this or have gone through this? My heart is breaking. I cant do this anymore.