Is he wrong for this?

I found out my boyfriend had been cheating on me over tinder, Instagram and Snapchat. (I know I should have dumped him then and there, but I am pregnant with his child and we’re both youngish 21 and I stupidly thought maybe he’d mature)

He thinks because it was just messaging a bunch of other girls and “apparently not meeting up with them” it’s not cheating (but in my mind, it’s cheating, especially when he was the one wanting us to be exclusive. And also I don’t know for sure he didn’t meet them).

When I first found out about the other girls, I had cried and confided in a mutual friends of ours when I was at their house. (This happened at the start of the pregnancy, I’m now due any day now. But he has been still messaging and messing around till about a month ago I just found out)

Last night on a phone call, he had a huge go at me and said that he’d never felt so shit in his life as that night I told my friend about his cheating and he wanted to kill himself after they found out and that’s why he doesn’t want to hang out with that whole group of friends anymore.

He doesn’t understand how much pain he’s caused me by messaging the other girls and how I’m allowed to confide in a friend to help me make sense of the situation. Also he did it, can’t he take ownership of it and the pain it caused me.

Is he just twisting the situation around to play the victim??

(He always says if I leave him there’s no point in living because I’m “his life” which doesn’t make sense since he’s tried cheating so many times)

(I know our relationship is toxic, I’ve tried to leave so many times but he’s adamant he’s sticking around and will ring me and message me if I ignore him and I don’t know if I can block him because he’s the baby’s dad? I feel so trapped 😔 he doesn’t understand why I don’t want to be with him and why I don’t trust him. I think he’s tried to change now, he’s deleted most social media, but I just can’t forget everything he’s put me through already and how he hasn’t been there for me during this pregnancy (he’s trying to be here for me now but it’s just a little too late and I’m too hurt to be with him)

Edit - I know talking to other girls is not cheating in everyone’s books, but when the messages are talking about sex and that. i consider it cheating ://