Finally its my turn!


i want to preface this by saying i know that we didnt try. i know it can take YEARS to finally see those two little lines, and i really hope you dont stop trying. you will get your own little bean when the time is right! i found out this morning that im pregnant. my fiance and i decided we would start trying next month but this month was just get on vitamins, get any last bit of hormone treatments out of my system, start paying attention to my cycle. i woke up with a gut feeling to check, and i waited the 5 minutes expecting a bfn, but i took it back out of the package and saw 2 LINES!! of course i texted fiance as soon as i saw it, he was at work so i couldnt show it physically but a photo was enough! we are both so excited and i honestly feel like its a dream come true. we didnt think it would ever happen with how sick i am but its happening, my drs appt tomorrow is going to be so exciting to schedule my first ultrasound.