Breast haven't grown in size yet. 14.3 weeks. Normal?

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I'm 12 + 1 today. They have felt tender for weeks now, but no growth whatsoever.


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Very normal, mine haven’t grown at all. I thought maybe due to I was still breastfeeding, but usually they get fuller towards the end. Watch out for milk coming in! Then they’ll inflate!


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With my first mine didn’t do anything tell my milk came in a week after birth. With this baby mine are like double already and this is so new to me


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My boobs never changed size with my son. I am 13 weeks pregnant again and I haven’t noticed any changes this time either! I’ve actually been thankful about it because I didn’t notice any changes to them after I had my son either.


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I think it varies from person to person, and possibly from pregnancy to pregnancy. With my first, I got fuller but didn’t increase a cup size or anything. Which I was thrilled about since I was already a DD before and was afraid the girls would be down by knees when all was said and done. Really hoping same time this pregnancy. I can tell they are heavier but again, don’t really think they are bigger, but I’m only 12 weeks.


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They don’t necessarily HAVE TO. With my first, they grew one cup size, with my second, they didn’t get bigger at all until after birth due to breastfeeding. This is my third and they feel super heavy but they haven’t quite grown a full cup size yet.It’s always different