Almost 11 weeks and feeling pretty crampy



Anyone else having cramps this early? It’s making me scared😟

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How severe is your cramping? I experience cramping too at times (since week 4,5-5) and i think it's just my body adjusting to the pregnancy and making space for the baby to grow. Baby is healthy at almost 12 weeks.


El • Feb 4, 2020
I was getting sharp pains and menstrual cramps:( on and off all night. I’m really dehydrated from my cold so it must be that


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My doctor also told me cramps tend to be a sign of dehydration so drink tons of water and rest if you can and see if they dont subside. I've been cramping this whole pregnancy and I'm 11+3. Cramping but with no severe bleeding is typically normal.


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My doctor also said that some cramping that comes and goes can be reassuring that things are growing and stretching


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Im 11 weeks today and had some very mild pulsating cramps too and ive also been drinking more water and just making sure theres nothing too severe happening like blood or anything