What is the point of a Psychiatrist?

I literally see my Psychiatrist for her to ask me how I’m doing about my

Medications and then she prescribes me more. My visit is legit 5min. I never once took my medication because I’m actually dealing with my depression all by myself and getting the help I need without medications . Yes I have depression but you know what? Who wouldn’t if they didn’t go through what I went through? But u know what? I refuse to sit on my ass and cry, I get up, go to therapy, I got myself together and never missed a day of parenting course and exert other step to get my life together. My point is I took control of my life and chose to get better without no damn pills. I hate going to her. All she cares about is the pills and never me as a whole. It’s annoying. Therapy did more for me than pills. Idk why the hell I need a damn Psychiatrist.