For moms expecting their second...


Anyone having crazy anxiety about your first born dealing with baby? My son is 2.5 and despite how many books we read, play with dolls, talk about his baby brother etc. he has zero interest and doesn’t really understand the concept, which I don’t actually expect but I just feel very certain that it’s not going to go well. My husband, son and I have never been apart other than my husband working, I’m a SAHM, we’ve never left him, he’s not used to us being busy or sharing us and I just don’t think he’s going to react or adjust well to this. I’m so worried I’m going to just be so frustrated with him, I know he’s going to have a tantrum every time we say things like “mommy can’t play trains right now I have to change baby’s diaper” like I think he’ll lose his shit lol although he’s a pretty easy going calm guy. I don’t know why I suddenly feel so negative about it. I’m just anxious about having two I guess, every time I get us dressed in the morning, pack snacks and the diaper bag, put him in the car, all I can think of “how the eff will I do all this for another human and ever get out the door?” I know millions of people have multiple children so it’s doable but holy anxiety. Anyone else? Or tips for my oldest?