Would you break up with your bf for this?

I sat my boyfriend down for a talk last weekend for something completely unrelated..and he thought I had found his hidden medication so he admitted this to me, but only because he thought I already found out.

He told me that back in mid November (almost 3 months ago!!) he got some new moles in his pubic area. I think he meant warts, but I have not seen. He called his doctor who said it could be HPV (std for genital warts) and prescribed him a topical medication for it, which he hid from me. He never told me anything about possibly having an STD, and he never even got tested to find out if it even was an STD!!! We haven’t had sex since he found this out, every time I would try to initiate it I would get shut down. If it is HPV, I probably don’t have it. I had the gardasil shots, which protects me from 90% of hpv strains..but I’m beyond pissed. What if it is actually a different STD instead of HPV? What if it could’ve been treated and cured within a couple weeks? All this time I had no idea, what if I had bled on someone or something?? I have toddler nieces that I babysit/come in contact with often!

I have been tested recently for chlamydia, syphillis, and gonhorrea (sp?) during a routine physical and was negative, but have not been tested for anything else yet. He just got tested a couple days ago after I forced him to, and is waiting for results. He swears up and down that he never cheated and I believe him. He says that’s why he didn’t tell me, because he was afraid I’d leave him because I would assume he’s cheating. If he would’ve told me right away this wouldn’t have been a problem at all. I’ve never suspected him of cheating in our 3 years together. What would you do?

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