TTC is heartbreaking

In early 2000’s, with a former LTR of 8 years, I unexpectedly became pregnant.

Within 24 hours I went from various emotions; shocked, happy to going to work and experiencing a MC.

They estimated I was about 6/8wks.

Not even an ultra sound photo or anything since all had passed 😔

Eventually my former SO, felt the need to let me cope alone. He ended cheating on me & I eventually moved on.

Fast forward to now, I’m 34 (35 in August) and after being with an amazing guy for 4 years we want to TTC.

This being our first. We been trying since January, following my ovulation cycle down to the very detail.

I’m due for AF 2/10-2/13 next week.

And while I want to say I’ve experience some symptoms; idk if it’s just bc I have pregnancy on the brain 🤷🏻‍♀️

According to the First Response website; the soonest I can take a HPT would be tomorrow.

But does one day really make a difference? 😔

I took one today and I thought I saw a faint line before the 2nd line came in. But then it just looked like a negative to me.

And honestly, the waiting is stressing me out. It’s heartbreaking just waiting to see and I know it’s only been recent that we are TTC, but idk if I can do this 😔