No connection

My husband and I have completely lost our connection since baby. I won’t go into details because there’s a lot but we’ve had tons of stress and it’s made us drift apart. However - one of the main things I feel is that we don’t sleep together. It started when I was 23 weeks pregnant. I went into preterm labor and had to be life flighted by helicopter to another hospital. They got active labor stopped, but I stayed in “prelabor” having normal contractions every 5 minutes for 10 weeks until baby was born. Because of this, I was placed on bed rest and my husband slept in another room so I would have lots of space and wouldn’t hear his snoring so I could get good rest.

When we got home from the hospital after baby was born (which was a scary experience) I was sleeping in the spare bedroom with baby because I was bed sharing (only way I could get baby to sleep for awhile) and husband needed his sleep for work. He’s also a really hard sleeper and I couldn’t trust bed sharing with him in bed.

I have worked hard (at the request of my husband) and finally gotten baby to sleep in his crib in his own room. He wakes twice a night to eat but that’s it. It’s way better and husband can sleep right through that so I started sleeping in the bed again. Well - husband has now started sleeping in the other room I used to be in. He says it’s because our bed hurts his back. He spent two days sleeping in bed with me and then moved after a night of tossing and turning. I know he used to complain that the bed hurt his back before but he slept in it by himself the whole time I was bed sharing with baby 🤷🏼‍♀️ I tried to tell him things feel really distant because we don’t sleep together but he either didn’t get it or doesn’t care. So here I am... it’s been 8 months now of sleeping separate. And I feel lonely and sad. I don’t know what to do 😭