Threaten Abortion ( possible miscarriage )



So I am 6 weeks pregnant today and I went to the hospital today because I woke up early and went to the bathroom and noticed that there was a little blood on the toilet paper. I’ve been having this for about 3 days. I went into the hospital and it got worse. When I was going to give a urine test. I peed nothing but watery blood. I’ve been having really bad cramping as well. My doctor said that I’m having a threaten abortion. They can’t tell if it’s a miscarriage or if it’s just a really early pregnancy. There wasn’t a heartbeat on my ultrasound . They said that the sac was about 7 mm. Long story short, has anyone else experienced this and still had a healthy baby? My hcG level was at 1290. My doctor wants it to double by Saturday and come in again. I’m just really scared I lost my baby . And I probably will 😔