Is this normal?

My very good guyfriend started distancing himself after he got in a relationship to the point that i was the only one reaching out to him everytime ( i even felt pushy) so i had a talk with him and he admitted and said that he didn’t want to give his gf *the wrong idea* about us. He said that eventhough his gf knows i have a bf she doesn’t know me well and she suspects i might like him and he doesn’t want to upset her. He said he is sorry that this is affecting me but she is the most important person to him and he would distance himself if she askes him to. I dunno if this is normal tbh, but I’m starting to not count on him like before and be superficial friends. Thoughts?

P.s.1.he laughed about the idea of me liking him and said he knows is not true

P.s.2. I don’t like him and i love my bf who btw is aware of the whole situation

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